In-House Dental Lab
All of our veneers and porcelain restorations are fabricated in our in-house dental lab. Each tooth and smile is custom designed for your needs. Making your veneers in-house eliminates any communication breakdown which can happen in traditional case where your lab work is sent to an external dental lab.
Our Veneer Fabrication Process Eliminates the Need to Wear Temporaries
Points about temporaries which have to be worn usually for two week period:
- all attached so they are uncomfortable, and can’t be flossed
- made of acrylic and not ceramic so they cannot represent the colour of the final product
- can cause swelling of the gums and bleeding
- they can push back the gums and even cause infection if not placed properly
- can cause tooth sensitivity and even a need for root canals
- they can have embarrassing food stuck to them and are very hard to keep clean
- they stain terribly so they look yellow after only a couple of days
- long term they can cause tooth decay bc they don’t fit exact like porcelain restorations
- they are hard to chew with and bite into food with
- they are NEVER AN EXACT REPRESENTATION of the final product. Be aware of any dentist who claims he can do this
- the dentist makes the temps and the labs almost never see the temps so they have no idea about the size of the temps. And because the patients are almost never seen by the technicians who make the veneers they are often done wrong in terms of symmetry, length, proportions, colour, shade and cant
- inconvenient bc patients have to come back at least twice (often more) to get the final product
- this means being frozen numerous times on several occasions and ultimately wasting time
- they are hard to remove and the tooth is damaged often when they are being removed
- they can break easily which means often visits back to the dentist
- they are NEVER PERFECTLY SEALED to the tooth hence allowing bacteria, plaque etc to seep and contaminate the surface of the tooth. This will not only create tooth sensitivity but also weaken the bond between the veneer/crown to the natural tooth. Once again be aware of any dentist who claims they can seal temporaries perfectly
Watch 100 Cosmetic Dentistry Cases Performed by the Doctors